Arbitrums Governance Token ARB rankas i topp 40 Börsvärden efter Airdrop

Following the Arbitrum token airdrop, ARB has become a top 40 cryptocurrency as it currently holds the 37th largest market valuation out of more than 23,000 listed digital currencies. För närvarande, there is a circulating supply of 1,275,000,000 ARB, and the Arbitrum

Uniswap censorer 253 Kryptoadresser svartlistade för brott, Sanktionsföreningar

Enligt en nyligen publicerad rapport, den decentraliserade börsen (dex) Uniswap har blockerat ungefär 253 kryptovalutaadresser som påstås vara kopplade till brott eller statliga sanktioner. The information was discovered by the software developer Banteg who analyzed and saved the shared logs from